(Left to Right) Richard Chiera + Jannie Chiera + Athena Chiera, Athena Engineering, Inc. – SOTY 2018 Class II Awardee; Lindy Huang Werges, Integritas Resources, Inc. + Zen Yoga Strap, Inc., – SOTY 2018 Class I Awardee; Tom Werges, Slinger Straps, LLC. (Source: SCMSDC)
LOS ANGELES, CALIF. – AUGUST 6, 2018 – The Southern California Minority Supplier Development Council (SCMSDC) announced the winners of the Supplier of the Year (SOTY) Awards during the 34th Annual Supplier of the Year Awards luncheon, sponsored by American Honda Motor Co. on July 25, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Long Beach. Integritas Resources, Inc., nominated by Metropolitan Water District of Southern California as an exemplary partner, was awarded as the 2018 Class I Supplier of the Year during the luncheon.
Widely regarded as the most prestigious honor that can be given to a certified minority business enterprise, the SOTY Awards are determined by a panel of procurement and supplier diversity leaders who represent SCMSDC’s corporate membership. That membership includes, among others, The Walt Disney Company. American Honda Motor Co., Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas Company, NBCUniversal, Amgen, Sony Pictures Entertainment and AEG.

(Left to Right) Ken Ashford, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California; Amanda Ma, Innovate Marketing Group; Virginia Gomez, SCMSDC; Lindy Huang Werges, Integritas Resources, Inc. + Zen Yoga Strap, Inc.; Charles Harmon, American Honda Motor Co. (Source: SCMSDC)
This year’s evaluating committee members comprised of Charles Harmon, Chair of SCMSDC and Senior Manager, Administration Division at American Honda Motor Co.; Brian Butts, Manager, Office of Inclusion and Diversity, American Honda Motor Co.; Michelle Chieks, PSEP Supplier Diversity, SoCalGas; Michelle Smith-Ballard, Vice President of Community and Citizenship, Turner Construction; Mario Munoz, Staff Vice President, Procurement and Accounts Payable, Anthem; Vicky Harper-Hall, Sector Manager, Global Supplier Diversity Programs and Government Relations, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, Northrop Grumman; Dennis Thurston, Program Manager, Supplier Diversity and Development, Southern California Edison; and Ben Tubuo, Supplier Diversity Manager, The Walt Disney Company.
“The Supplier of the Year Awards celebrate the unique relationships that develop between our MBEs and corporate members,” said Virginia Gomez, president and CEO of SCMSDC. “It reinforces the value these relationships bring and the positive impact they have on both of their businesses.”
“It is with great honor that we receive this award,” said Lindy Huang Werges. “Thank you to Ken Ashford and Metropolitan Water District for nominating and believing in us; to the Council and American Honda for your dedication and service to our community. It was a game changer for us to certify and meet the many dedicated members of the Council and the SCMSDC community, to know you are all here to support each one of us and that we are not alone in our journey. Special thanks to Ankit Brahmkshatri for the mentoring and guidance.”
As the Class I awardee, Integritas Resources, Inc. receives a complimentary full conference registration to the National Minority Supplier Development Council (“NMSDC”) annual business conference in Austin, Texas in October. Along with the awardees from Class II, III and IV, IntResInc will move forward to compete in the regional and national competition of the NMSDC SOTY Awards, which will culminate at the national conference on October 17, 2018 in Austin, Texas.
About Integritas Resources, Inc. (“IntResInc”)
IntResInc is a Southern California based executive search, recruitment, and staffing firm specializing in the placement of finance and accounting professionals. IntResInc provides strategic diverse staffing solutions on a direct hire, contract, contract-to-hire, and on a project basis.
Integritas Resources, Inc. believes in being an active participant in stimulating our economy through grassroots efforts by supporting small and diverse businesses including Women Owned businesses (WBE), Minority Owned Businesses (MBE), LGBTQ Businesses, and Veteran Owned Businesses in our local communities.
Along with the support garnered to minority initiatives, IntResInc believes in making the world a better place by giving back to the community through fundraising and volunteer efforts. IntResInc’ philanthropic efforts are intertwined within the company’s culture and core values. At IntResInc we strive to connect our local community with its people by bringing awareness to locally owned businesses and by supporting community-based volunteer efforts for under-resourced teens and young professionals with education and mentoring programs, career counseling, professional internships, professional development, and women’s initiatives.
IntResInc is honored to be a part of the SCMSDC bringing together diverse business initiatives and celebrating the success of diverse suppliers through the Supplier of the Year Awards.

(Left to Right) Caron Ng, Nu-Set, Inc.; Athena Chiera, Athena Engineering, Inc.; Lindy Huang Werges, Integritas Resources, Inc. + Zen Yoga Strap, Inc.; Stacia Kato-Takayesu, Toyota North America (Source: SCMSDC)

(Left to Right) Tom Werges, Slinger Straps, LLC.; Lindy Huang Werges, Integritas Resources, Inc. + Zen Yoga Strap, Inc.; Andrea Carrillo

Lindy Huang Werges, Integritas Resources, Inc. + Zen Yoga Strap, Inc.; Ken Ashford, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Source: SCMSDC)
About the Southern California Minority Supplier Development Council (“SCMSDC”)
SCMSDC is Southern California’s preeminent corporate membership organization committed to supplier diversity and the success of minority businesses. As one of 23 affiliates of the NMSDC, SCMSDC is a critically important part of the network, providing a vital connection and local touch point that bring together the mutually beneficial interests of both certified minority businesses and the corporations who collaborate with them.